"Dick Kriss, AA5VU" <aa5vu@arrl.net> wrote: " I learn something new
in each contest."
Then, IMHO, your contest effort was a success!
Personally, I fail to see any reason to acknowledge the "other station's"
report: "N5UWY/9 TNX 555 UR 181 181 181 de AA5VU"? Your reply to me, without
any "again, NR, etc", tells me that you have copied, and are satisfied with,
what I sent? The inclusion of an RST, in a contest that doesn't require one,
is simply a waste of time, for both stations? Depending on conditions, I
CR XX3XX exchange exchange CR
CR XX3XX exchange exchange exchange exchange QSL??CR
The "CR" is far more important, for me, than the repeated exchange, as it
will get the exchange on a "new" line, without all the "mess"?
C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW
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