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[RTTY] Need assistance please

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Need assistance please
From: "Scott Nichols" <snichols@mvosprey.com>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 20:40:42 -0300 (Atlantic Daylight Time)
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
I'm at my wits end here...

Running WL 10.48, MMTTY, FT1000MkV...Same setup for the last 4 years..
Nothing has changed...Always has worked FB...

Something has happened to my setup somewhere, whereas I can't seem to print
RTTY signals properly...Even the strongest signals get garbled on the screen
..Even when the signal 'sounds' right to my ear, and it tunes in properly on
the scope, it prints anywhere from 30% to 70% garbled characters, with many 
V's" and 'M's"...I have checked everything I can think of in MMTTY and in
the menu of the Mark V, but no luck...Sometimes if I tune the rig slightly
off freq (per the scope), it prints better...

RTTY control panel shows 2125 Mark, 170 shift, 60 BW and 70 AV....I've
fiddled with every setting I think was relevant, but still garbled copy...

Had to abort the RUS DX RTTY contest because I couldn't copy stations
replying to my CQ's...I think I am TX OK...

Likely something really stupid...Any thoughts ? Would like to compete in CIS


Scott VE1OP
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