Now finally QRX for the weekend from trial.
As I read the rules as now written, your interpretation is correct. In
other words, the band is irrelevant. There must be 3 Q's in between,
period. Second, once you have worked a station there is no mult to move as
the mult is only counted once, not once per band. And if I have read the
rules correctly, this seems to be the case regardless of the mode.
73 & CU in the Sprint, Doug W4OX
At 07:07 3/7/03 -0500, WW3S wrote:
>I re-read the rules; it does say that at least 3 contacts separate the qso
>in both logs, regardless of band. As someone noted, that makes it virtually
>impossible to move mults. Is that the correct interpretation of the rule?
>Seems unfair that the other modes can move mults to other bands but rtty
>can't. I thought the intent of the rule to allow you to work the same
>station on RTTY was to increase participation and that moving mults to
>different bands was allowed and the true intent was to have the three
>contact separation on the same band. Is W4OX listening? Any "official"
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