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To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] RE: WAE with RTTY
From: w7dpw@attbi.com (Dave W7DPW)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 08:20:40 -0800
Recently, I have noticed several questions about updating WF1B's RTTY to
handle the new multipliers for this years WAE. If you can run a DOS program
in a DOS window, I may be able to help you.

I have, for my own use, created a PERL program that reads the normal v4 or
v5  WF1B WAE RTTY.ALL file and adds the new multipliers and calculates a new
score and outputs both a WAE_NEW.ALL and a WAE_NEW.SUM file for submission.
If anyone is interested in using it, drop me a note and we can go from
there. I have attached a little Text file that has some documentation about
the program.  I have converted the PERL program to a stand alone WAE2WAE.EXE
program   I run mine in a Win98SE DOS window. The program and this TXT file
are combined in a ZIP file of about 340K...

Dave W7DPW

WAE2WAE.PL   WAE2WAE.EXE  Notes.                            10/31/2002  =

This program runs in a DOS window...  I run it in Win98SE

To  run the program wae2wae.exe

Have it located in the directory of the input file. Probably \RTTY

To execute:

prompt>wae2wae InputFileName  (InputFile should be a v4 or v5 RTTY.ALL =

OutPut files will be named:  WAE_NEW.ALL  and WAE_NEW.SUM


This conversion relies upon the CTRY column of the existing .ALL file to
  determine the DXCC country and if it finds one of the expanded =
  looks for the district in the callsign. It accounts for a call such as
  W6/G0AZT as W6 and a call like JA1GGU/3 as JA3. Any existing =
  in the MT column is replaced by any new information or left empty if =
  new multiplier is found. At the bottom of each page in the .ALL file, =
  Mults' =3D column is replaced by a new recalculated total.

  Additionally, this program determines the entries point count and =
  it one point unless it is found to be a duplicate entry and then the
  assigned point count will be zero.


Rule 6. Below defines the Multipliers.

6 Multiplier:   ( From the Offical Rules ) ( See Rule 13 Below for RTTY =

For non-European stations the multiplier is the number of countries =
in the WAE Country List (see below) worked per band.

For European stations every non-European DXCC entity counts as a =
  Exception: In the following countries up to ten call areas count as
  W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA, PY and RA8/RA9 and RA0
  without respect to the geographic location.

Examples: W1, K1, KA1 and K3../1 count as W1; VE1, VO1 und VY1 count as =
JR4, 7M4 und 7K4 count as JA4; ZL2 and ZL6 are two different =

Multiplier bonus: Country multiplier points are "weighted" by band.=20
Multiply the number of countries worked on 3.5 MHz by four, on 7 MHz by =
and on 14/21/28 MHz by two.=20

The total multiplier is the sum of the weighted multiplier points of all =


I have added support for the following multipliers:

RA8/RA9 =3D RA9


I have also weighted the Band Multipliers for scoring by the following:

80M x 4
40M x 3
20M x 2
15M x 2
10M x 2


Each line of the input file is in the output file. Only the Multiplier =
the Pts column are modified by this program. The summary file is a =
new summary file and shows all the math involved in calculating the =
score. The summary also shows all the multipliers counted by Band. These
multipliers are listed alphabetically.

There are several items that will have to be modified by the Station of
origin. These items will appear in the SUM file as follows:

Your_Class            From Rule 3 Categories below.
Your_Power_Class      Hi Power, Lo Power Etc
Your_Power_Level      100, 500 etc..
Your_Name             Obvious
Your_Location         WA, OR, OH, AB    etc
Your_Address_1        Obvious
Your_Address_2        Obvious, this line is optional, Delete if not =
Your_City_State       Obvious
Your_Country          Obvious


3 Categories:  ( From the Offical Rules )

  1. Single Operator - max. output 100 watts - all bands. Only one =
       permitted at any time.
  2. Single Operator - output higher than 100 watts - all bands. Only =
       signal permitted at any time.
  3. Multi Operator - Band changes are allowed every ten minutes; this =
       includes QTC traffic.
       Exception: working of a multiplier. Other transmitters may be =
used in
       parallel to the main station to work multipliers on other bands
       (note: this means, several signals may be on the air on different
          bands at the same time).
  4. SWL


13 Special Rules for RTTY:

In the RTTY portion of the WAEDC there are no continental limits;
  everybody can work everybody. Only QTC traffic must be performed =
  different continents.

Every station may send and receive QTCs. The sum of QTCs exchanged =
  two stations (sent plus received) must not exceed ten.

The European and non-European multipliers indicated in part 6 count for =


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