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[RTTY] Mexico's new Callsign

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Mexico's new Callsign
From: avaldez@reduno.com.mx (Ing. Alejandro Valdez O.)
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 10:53:50 -0500
Hello, this is Alex, XE1ZVO. Just to let you know that until dec 31 this 
year all de XE1's stations will be working as 6J1, 6J2 and 6J3 depending 
on the prefix. I'm attaching the original news from IAURU:

 > June - July - August 2002   # 2002/06
 > - combined summer issue -
 > Revista de la Union Internacional de Radioaficionados IARU Region 2
 > --------------------------------------------
 > Journal of the International Amateur Radio Union IARU Region 2

 > Celebrating 70 years of Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores
 > (FMRE), Mexico's IARU member society founded in 1932 and a founding 
 > of IARU Region II, the Mexican Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones has
 > authorized the FMRE to celebrate for the remainder of 2002 with special
 > callsign 6F1LM for the Headquarters station and for all Mexican hams 
to use

 > special prefix 6J during their DX communications.
 > President Pedro Mucharraz, XE1PM sent a communication to all 32 state
 > associations in order to kickoff the use of the special prefix, beginning
 > today, August 21, 2002, and until December 31, 2002.  He was very excited
 > for the celebration of 70 years of FMRE and congratulated all Mexican 

pointing out that "the use of the special prefix will contribute to remember

 > and pay homage to all amateurs who have paved the way for us to enjoy a
 > great hobby".
 > The Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones stated in a document that 
all XE1

 > will be 6J1, XE2 will be 6J2 and XE3 will be 6J3, using their same 
 > suffix.  This special prefix is only for use in international qso's, 
and may

 > be used until December 31, 2002.
 > Mexican Amateurs will have printers busy printing the new QSL cards 
with the

 > new special prefix in order to send the story to all the world.

IARU REGION 2 OFFICIAL WEB SITE  -  http://www.iaru-r2.org

I'll be working as 6J1ZVO the next contest and i'm the only station on 
Querétaro state as grid DL90TO.. best regards.. de XE1ZVO

* Ing. Alejandro Valdez O.
* Ingeniero de Soporte
* Consorcio Red Uno, S.A. de C.V.
* Regional Querétaro
* Tel: (442)215-65-55
* Ext. 7328
* Cel. 044-442-226-10-83
* SkyTel Pin: 5639177
* http://xe1zvo.tripod.com
* http://www.qsl.net/gdm

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