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Re: [RFI] Question Regarding Variations In Solar Panel RFI? [and magic]

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Question Regarding Variations In Solar Panel RFI? [and magic]
From: Cortland Richmond <ka5s@earthlink.net>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 23:21:57 -0400
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Working in EMC was (and can be still) ) a lot of fun; many if not most of my  colleagues and  co-workers didn't understand my logic.   Ed, when they  closed down Tandy's EMC lab, I was the last one there, and when AST bought out Radio Shacks computer business, they left things behind in RS's surplus/maybe working store,  which is how I happened to find the LISN ARRL bought from me  sometime later.
Fun? I'd been blamed for turning off bare motherboards in a software 
testing lab -- and they were in such a hurry  they 1) counldn't get 
assembled computers, 2) orafford ESD chairs and tiles, plus 3) needed 
that fixed RIGHT NOW.   I had them spritz the office chairs they were 
using with water adn dish detergent -- and for quite some tme,they all 
had wet seats and trousers.
Tandy made a non-computer (to avoid TI's 14% IC royalties) and they 
blamed the EMC lab when the Board of Directors was celebrating the new 
product .  The TV they were using had strange colors washing across the 
screen -- and  I had a hunch, one confirmed  with an unplugged 
hotplate.  It was like that everywhere I was hired; NOT magic -- just HS 
It was like that in the Army, too: 

Cortland KA5S

On 9/28/2020 3:16 PM, Hare, Ed W1RFI wrote:
I agree, but I like magic, so that's my story.  Yes, one can actually do real 
science and come up with answers, but that often involved multiple interrelated 
phenomena that are best sorted out with expensive modeling.

When a ham has an interference problem involving a neighbor, there is rarely the patience 
to try different things, so I usally recommend that the ham do a shotgun approach 
involving all possible common-mode and differential-mode filters, install them and then 
get the heck out of there as  quickly as possible.  Usually, by about the third failed 
attempt to find "the" correct cure, the neighbor concludes that the ham doesn't 
know what he/she is doing and concludes that the problem in in the ham station and ends 
the project.

-----Original Message-----
From: RFI <rfi-bounces+w1rfi=arrl.org@contesting.com> On Behalf Of K9MA
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 2:52 PM
To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Question Regarding Variations In Solar Panel RFI?

On 9/28/2020 12:39 PM, Hare, Ed W1RFI wrote:
And even what is not connected to the system, but nearby.  Any radiation from the 
system can be capacitively coupled or induced in nearby wiring and re-radiated.  
Grounds can be resonant or not resonant.EMC is still magic. 😊
I wouldn't say magic, just complicated.


Scott K9MA

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