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Re: [RFI] Power Line Noise

To: Joe <nss@mwt.net>, jwin95@yahoo.com, rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Power Line Noise
From: K9MA <k9ma@sdellington.us>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 17:55:27 -0500
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
That's basically right.  A horizontal antenna in free space has no vertically polarized component at all in the plane of the elements. However, slightly above or below that plane, there is a vertical component, which is maximum off the ends of the elements.
Scott K9MA

On 4/16/2020 17:22, Joe wrote:
Maybe thinking like this?

OK the noise is vertical. and since close by it is higher above the horizon? so then when the hf yagi is not pointing to the noise, it is more closely matching the linear polarity of the elements?
The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme
On 4/16/2020 5:16 PM, K9MA wrote:
On 4/16/2020 17:02, AA5CT wrote:
re: "I went out today to track down a noise source, which on the
HF bands appears to be coming from the east. "

Scott, I give you even money odds that you found ANOTHER noise
source on VHF, and not the one that was affecting you on HF (unless
you already got it fixed, and that was it, in which case I lose hi hi).
I doubt it. This source is just too incredibly loud at 135 MHz and 
close (maybe 300 feet from the antenna) that it can't possibly NOT be 
causing HF interference. I agree with your point, though. When 
tracking at VHF, I always hear lots of sources that are not the one 
causing the HF problem. I deal with that by relaying the noise from 
the HF receiver at home so that I can hear it while I'm out tracking. 
There is always a pattern to the fluctuations. When I find that they 
match, I know I've got the right source. This is the same principle 
as taking the "noise signature", without the expensive equipment. It 
has served me well.
I didn't bother this time because the source is so ridiculously 
strong on VHF right out my front door.

Scott K9MA

Scott  K9MA


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