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Re: [RFI] Cree LED Bulbs?

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Cree LED Bulbs?
From: Cortland Richmond <ka5s@earthlink.net>
Reply-to: ka5s@earthlink.net
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 14:07:53 -0400
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
I went to the Cree Web page where I found the below link:

You search for *"fcc"* returned *106* results

For Keyword(s)
Entire Site
Within Section(s)
LED Chips & Materials
LED Components & Modules
Showing 1 - 10 of 106
1 2 <http://www.cree.com/search-results?page=2&=&search=fcc> 3 <http://www.cree.com/search-results?page=3&=&search=fcc> 4 <http://www.cree.com/search-results?page=4&=&search=fcc> 5 <http://www.cree.com/search-results?page=5&=&search=fcc> Next > <http://www.cree.com/search-results?page=2&=&search=fcc>Last >> <http://www.cree.com/search-results?page=11&=&search=fcc> Do your products have excessive RFI emissions? <http://www.cree.com/support/faq-listing-page>

The link does NOT go to a FAQ on RFI.

Drilling down and clicking on another link http://www.cree.com/lighting/document-library , I waited a couple of minutes and gave up without a connection.
Elsewhere, at 
I find a letter from Cree indicating that they did not agree with the 
EPA that refernence to FCC compliance should be removed from their 
documention (signed byTim Henning, Specialized Testing Manager | ENERGY 
STAR Program Manager) and a document at
does include the following statement:
*electromagnetic and radio **Must meet appropriate **FCC**requirements 
for consumer use (FCC 47 CFR Part 15)****
****frequency interference***

Poking around a bit more... are these lights DIMMABLE?

*/Lumenpulse receives US patent on technology that converts analog to digital signals allowing lighting control over AC power lines/ *
/Montreal, QC, and Boston, MA -- Lumenpulse Inc., a leading innovator 
and manufacturer of high performance, architectural LED-based lighting 
solutions for commercial, institutional, and urban environments, today 
announced it has received U.S. Patent 8,179,058, issued May 15, 2012./

/Lumenpulse receives US patent /

/The patent, the first of seven pending for the company's Lumentalk^(TM) technology, provides a method of intuitively reading a traditional analog TRIAC dimmer in a digital fashion, which enables digital control of LED lighting over existing AC power lines, to maximize cost and energy savings. //
//The Lumentalk technology turns existing electrical wiring into a stable, noise-free high-speed communications link for data, enabling LED fixtures to be reliably controlled without additional wiring. The technology eliminates the cost and disruption of having to open up walls and ceilings to... /end quote

From Lumenpulse:
"With Lumentalk technology, LED fixtures can be dimmed and controlled over existing power lines. It works with any control or dimming standard (Triac, ELV, 0-10V, DALI, or DMX), AC voltage (100VAC - 277VAC), and operates within frequency bands allocated by worldwide regulations (FCC, CENELEC, ARIB)."

As if we didn't have enough trouble.


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