Got it, Dale.
I thought that was the case...but was interested in
the Metricom situation, from a business perspective.
As's an example of a broadband distribution
technology which did NOT work. Is it more or less
capital intense than BPL? What were the underlying
reasons for its failure, etc.
Looks like some confusion here. No connection with Metricom and the
power company except the boxes are mounted on the street lights.
We were discussing two different systems. One is the Metricom which
was intended as a wireless hookup to the internet that failed at
least here in my town. The company went BR.
The other box we were discussing is a system which the power company
uses to remotely read the electric meters. The two are not the same.
No other issues as to RFI ect, just a matter of interest and enlightenment.
Dale, K9VUJ