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[Propagation] Possible Aurora Feb 9, 2010

To: "Propagation (PSC)" <>, propagation <>
Subject: [Propagation] Possible Aurora Feb 9, 2010
From: "Tomas Hood" <>
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 2010 16:06:51 -0700
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With the solar activity continuing to remain at "active" levels over the  
next few days, there is an expectation for continued flaring, including  
the "risk" of M-class flares, produced from NOAA Active Region 1045.   
Today, there were a series of C-class flares, which could be heard as  
rushing wind-like noise on the high frequencies.  VE2XK created a video  
showing the "rush" caused by these C-class flares, here:

Region 1045, located at solar coordinates N20E09, produced an M6.4 flare  
on 2010-FEB-07 peaking at 0234 UTC. A halo coronal mass ejection (CME) was  
linked to this event. While geomagnetic activity is expected to be mostly  
quiet during the next 24 hours, there is an expected increase in  
geomagnetic activity, possibly up to isolated minor storm conditions, on  
2010-FEB-09 due to this halo CME.

This means that we could observe aurora (and associated Aurora-E  
propagation) on the 9th.  In the meantime, expect a possible rise in  
10.7-cm levels, and improvements on the middle-HF bands.

73 de NW7US, Tomas David Hood - Bitterroot Valley of Montana

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