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Re: [Orion] Orion No Receive

To: Kamar <kamar@inr.net>
Subject: Re: [Orion] Orion No Receive
From: Joe Giacobello <k2xx@swva.net>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 08:46:17 -0400
List-post: <mailto:orion@contesting.com>
I've had a happen a couple of times and it seems quite unpredictable. It usually happens after I've been transmitting QRO, and I've assumed it was RF, but not really certain.

73, Joe

Kamar wrote:

Well, it finally happened to me after owning the Orion for almost one year.
The band appeared to have gone dead.  I was listening to 40 meters for about
an hour with the NR on and set to 2.  All signals disappeared.

Believing that 40 meters went south, I switched to 20 meters, and heard weak
signals for a few seconds.  Then the receiver appeared to go dead, but with
background noise similar to band (atmospheric) noise that weak.  However,
there was no signals no matter where I tuned across the 20 meter band.
Switching antennas (3 element yagi on 20/15/10, and 80/40/24 meter dipoles)
resulted in no signals but still had like weak atmospheric noise.

Switched back to 40 meters and then right back to 20 meters; the signals
were there.  Switching back to 40 meters I was receiving strong signals.
Note that I never performed a 'radio reboot.'  Just switched between 20/40
meter bands.

Running software version 1.371; this is the first time that I have noticed
any problems with the Orion.......

Ron .... NU1U

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