I've seen that happen with a duplicate IP address before.
Which customers go home and shut down at 5:00pm?
At 04:01 PM 7/15/02 -0400, you wrote:
I'm hoping I can get some really good and helpful suggestions on this one.
It's killing me.
Here's the scoop:
Router --> link --> base --> customers
-Router represents my Cisco boundary router and T1's
-Link is a series of bridged RG-1000's running Karlnet 4.02
-Base is an AP-1000 running 4.02 as well
-Customers (about 35 of them) that are almost all RG-1000's running a mix
of 3.88 and up
Ping the link: 10 ms
Ping the base: 20 ms
Ping a customer: 1000 - 3000 ms, throughput is garbage
Shut off certain customers and the speeds get better for a bit. I
guarantee at 5 p.m. tonight, the problem goes away. It'll be back
tomorrow. This started Friday, no significant changes to the network last
week, but I've seen this problem before.
Odd side-effect: Unplug our Internet feed, the times all drop to 20-30 ms.
Plug it back in, the pings slowly climb back to 1-3 sec.
I have three other bases that are not affected by this problem, all with
less than 20 customers.
This is a super bad situation that I MUST get resolved or I'm toast.
Thanks in advance for an help you can offer.
M. Travis Brown, MCSE
Network Systems Engineer
NetWave Internet