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[ct-user] WPX M/S Rules and Contest Software

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] WPX M/S Rules and Contest Software
From: i4ufh@libero.it (Fabio I4UFH)
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 23:22:33 +0100
Hi Kenny,

I remember well that the rules were adapted to use M/M configurations in =
the Contest Programs,but the way that=20
you suggest ( using M/M setup and respecting the M/S 10min rules ) is =
not compliant to the rules that  follows :

WPX 2002 Rules

2. Multi-Operator (All band operation only)
(a) Single-Transmitter: Only one transmitter and one band permitted =
during the same time period (defined as 10
minutes). Exception: One-and only one-other band may be used during any =
10-minute period if-and only if-the
station worked is a new multiplier. Use a separate serial numbers for =
the multiplier station. Logs found in violation
of the 10-minute rule will be automatically reclassified as multi-multi. =
Maximum power allowed is 1500 watts total
output power. Your log MUST show the correct serial number sent for each =
contact. (MULTI-ONE)

I understand, but I can be wrong, that the multiplier station MUST use a =
separate serial numbers, completly separate
from running serial numbers. Each group of serial numbers are not =
separate by band, Runner Numbers start from 0000
on Running band AND on the same 10 min period a Mult station can work =
needed mult's on another band starting again
from 0000.

Some Example of what I had understood :

Time    RunnerBand    RunnerSerial    MultBand    MultSerial

0000    20                    0001                40            0001    =
New Mult
0001    20                    0002                40            0002     =
   "    =20
0002    20                    0003                40            0003     =
0003    20                    0004                40            0004     =
0004    20                    0005                40            0005     =
0005    20                    0006                40            0006     =
   "  =20
0006    20                    0007                40            0007     =
0007    20                    0008                40            0008     =
0008    20                    0009                40            0009     =
0009    20                    0010                40            0010     =
0010    20                    0011                40            0011     =
0011    20                    0012                15            0012     =
0012    40                    0013                15            0013     =
0013    40                    0014                15            0014     =
0014    40                    0015                15            0015     =

The M/M configuration in CT don't solve the problem, because in this way =
you have 6 different Serial Numbers sequence by band, but is not what =
the rules claims. The big difference is that CT count the QSO by band, =
the rules need to count the QSO by Computer were QSO is logged. Writelog =
has similar kind of Serial manging, but has another bad features, has =
slow Master.DTA search, mouse dipendent menu and so on that we don't =

I cannot see another view to read the rules, but probable on the mind of =
the writer there was a good idea, but on the paper it's dont seem the =
same that thinked .... or am I in wrong ?? Light me !!

73 and thank's de Fabio I4UFH

----- Original Message -----=20
From: <K2KW@prodigy.net>
To: <ct-user@contesting.com>; <ct-user@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:34 PM
Subject: [ct-user] Re: ct-user digest, Vol 1 #162 - 1 msg

> >Next week I will leave to D4 for the CQWPX Contest=20
> and still no news about
> >CT version with new M/S rules.
> I had long discussions with N8BJQ about M/S serial=20
> numbers last year, and there have been other people=20
> talking to Steve this year about the same topic. As=20
> long as you have separate serial numbers by band, and=20
> you copy them correctly, you will be OK. =20
> In other words, if CT is not compliant with the new=20
> rules, set CT for M/M, but obide by M/S rules=20
> (regarding 10 minute rule).  Setting CT for M/M will=20
> send a separate serial number string for each band. =20
> When you submit your cabrillo log, just change the=20
> category to M/S (on the Cabrillo output only! do not=20
> change the .BIN file log to M/S, as it will likely=20
> renumber all your QSOs). =20
> If I were entering M/S this year, I would use M/M as=20
> described above.
> Kenny K2KW
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