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[ct-user] SS bug warning for MS stations

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] SS bug warning for MS stations
From: k2qmf@juno.com (k2qmf@juno.com)
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 11:07:55 EDT
I checked and John is correct.  It is happening here too!!
In "SS" contest in any Multi mode the serial number does not increment !!

I notice that the numbers on the left of call field are zero!!  Normally
the first
QSO starts with number 1 and so on...

73,  Ted  K2QMF
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000 15:54:28 -0400 JohnBarcroft@ClearChannel.com writes:
>We have just discovered that CT 9.51, 9.47 (and probably everything in
>between) has a bug that causes the serial number to not increment in 
>the SS
>contest.  This only appears to affect the program in the MS mode.  SO 
>OK.  I suppose we can log as a SO and carefully observe the 6Q/hr 
>John, K6AM
>John Barcroft
>Clear Channel San Diego Engineering
>5745 Kearny Villa Road Suite M
>San Diego, CA  92123
>JohnBarcroft@Clearchannel.com <mailto:JohnBarcroft@Clearchannel.com> 
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