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[ct-user] WinME + CT 9.45 = FB Here

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] WinME + CT 9.45 = FB Here
From: P. M. Elliott" <pelliott@maranatha.net (P. M. Elliott)
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 08:15:06 -0400
CT 9.45 runs fine on Windows Millennium Edition here.

The only change I made to the standard WinME installation was to re-install
the TweakUI feature from my Win98 CD.  (This lets you get rid of some of the
"permanent" desktop icons, control drive lettering, get rid of the splash
screen at bootup, control the boot menu display, and a few other things I
didn't find in WinME.  But I don't see how it would have any effect on how
DOS programs run.)  I made no other changes to the standard WinME
installation.  No Partition Magic.  I did not implement the mod to WinME
posted by N6RT, though that was going to be my next step if CT didn't work
under WinME.

I fired up CT 9.45 using several of my batch files from previous contests,
and everything worked fine -- all the functions and interfaces.  Looks like
WinME is a non-issue, at least for me.  Also, I'm surprised to find that so
far the system is a lot more stable than it was with Win98, even with the
latest patches installed.  I had been getting a lot of invalid page faults
and illegal operation errors in standard Windows programs (like MS Office)
but those are now gone.

Thanks to all who did respond to my posts about Win ME a week or so ago.
Based on several recommendations and a visit to their web site, I had
planned to get Partition Magic, and may still go that route for other
reasons. But it doesn't look like CT will be one of them.

73 - Paul N3GPU

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