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[ct-user] Windows ME - Anything Further?

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] Windows ME - Anything Further?
From: Paul Elliott" <pelliott@maranatha.net (Paul Elliott)
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 14:23:16 -0400
K1EP wrote:

> Make a Win98 boot disk and boot off of the floppy into Dos.  IT should be
> able to read the file system.  Booting to Dos 6.22 off a floppy won't work
> as it is a different file system.

Thanks Ed - I tried this on another machine, in this case with Win2000
installed, but could not get it to properly recognize all the plug-and-play
devices I need (e.g., expansion cards for extra COM and LPT ports).  I'll
try it with WinME and see if I have better success.

Paul N3GPU

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