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[ct-user] ct and win98

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] ct and win98
From: Dick Wilder (K3DI)" <wilder@abs.net (Dick Wilder (K3DI))
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 10:38:24 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Arthur Holmes wrote:
> Hi, Trying to get ct running on my new machine with windows 98. At
> powerdown I went to dos, then c: went to ct directory and executed the
> normal comtsrs. When I executed ct, I got a page fault due to
> insufficient memory. DX Base 4.0 with the same io runs fine. Any ideas?
> Art
I never had trouble with CT on a Windows computer.  First I boot
off the A: floppy that has DOS 6.22 and sets the paths to ignore
Windows and only find paths to DOS & CT files.  It is not clar to
me which DOS you used; if it was the Windows DOS then I would
not trust it -- mostly because I have never used it. (I love
Windows for most applications.)  73, Dick, K3DI

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