Yes, that's exactly what he means.
Ideally, the in-band station has its own separate antenna, physically well
separated from the run station. But it needs to be a very good antenna in order
to minimize the number of calls and repeats the in-band station needs to make
in order to make QSOs in between QSOs on the run station.
The run and in-band operators need to agree up front on a plan for how they
will operate and who gets priority, and they both need to understand that
sometimes tempers will flare and it will be very frustrating when one guy needs
to transmit at exactly the same moment the other guy starts transmitting, and
now the station he has on the other end is sitting listening to silence and
losing patience. In order for it to work and for everyone to remain friends by
the end of the contest, the operating plan must be agreed-upon up front. And
most importantly, all transmissions need to be kept short, and that means
talking very fast or sending QRQ CW, typically at least 34 WPM but 38-40WPM is
ideal, and no extra message content beyond the minimum required to make QSOs.
John W2ID
> On 01/01/2025 9:04 PM EST Pete Smith N4ZR <> wrote:
> By "in-band", do you mean two transceivers on the same band, with
> appropriate lockouts so that only one can transmit at a time?
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> On 1/1/2025 5:53 PM, Martin, LU5DX wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am searching information for a presentation on in-band stations.
> >
> > The first reference I see in the email archive of this reflector goes back
> > to February '94.
> >
> > I am sure the use of in-band stations by Multi-Op contest entrants in the
> > US started earlier than that.
> >
> > Any information on who where the pioneers and when they started
> > implementing this type of setup will be much appreciated.
> >
> > Many thanks,
> >
> > Martin, LU5DX
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