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Re: [CQ-Contest] DQRM in WAE CW

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] DQRM in WAE CW
From: "Mike Smith VE9AA" <ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 11:33:16 -0300
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I experienced DQRM in the WAE as well, but nowhere near the scale of what Bud 
is apparently going through in every major contest he enters.  I think I know a 
little of the backstory of the reasons, but it’s certainly very poor (bordering 
on criminal?) behaviour.


For my own DQRM, every time I got anywhere in the 14.057-14.059 zone there was 
the same(?) stn just demanding I QSY (no calls given), like they were laying in 
wait. 9/10 I issue at least one “QRL?” or at least my call and a “?” and 
nothing.  It wasn’t til an actual CQ went out that I would get descended upon.  
I suspect some over eager person guarding a portion of the band(s) and watching 
the RBN for spots near their favourite QRP/POTA/SOTA/whatever frequencies. (my 
QTH is vy quiet so, yes, I could normally hear even the weakest QRPer if there 
had been one)


Anyone with any kind of common sense would’ve spent 15seconds to read the rules 
of the contest that was “bothering them” and seen we could NOT go above 
14.060MHz this weekend and just scooted up the band a titch and been completely 
QRM free.  Instead they chose to DQRM for hours on end and in Bud’s case, 
perhaps a good portion of the contest sounds like (or go to a WARC band, FT8, 
160m, SSB, etc. where they have the bands all week long as well.)




GL  Bud !


Mike VE9AA


I experienced similar DQRM Thursday afternoon when I was trying to do POTA.

I watched him on my panadapter on my IC-7300 and he would drift away, but

as soon as I sent out a CQ, he would return. I resorted to sending out very

brief CQs at intermittant times. It was frustrating to have someone respond

to my CQ and I couldn't copy the responder. I would ask them to delay their

response for 2-3 seconds for the DQRM to die away. These techniques worked

for POTA on a weekday afternoon, but would not be very useful during a

major weekend contest.


Stan, K4SBZ






On Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 5:06 PM <aa3b.bud@gmail.com> wrote:


> My WAE CW efforts were severely impacted by deliberate QRM attacks that

> lasted for hours on both days. The DQRM came from at least two and possibly

> three remotely operated stations that were quite potent.  I believe the


> attacks were retribution for disciplinary actions stemming from WPX contest

> adjudication. I experienced similar attacks during WPX CW.


> I am pleading for help from the Radiosport Community in finding the

> networks

> or host remote stations that were employed by the attacker. It is time for

> the remote station owners to intervene and put an end to this harassment.


> I will provide the specific times and frequencies of the attacks upon

> request.




> 73,




> Bud Trench, AA3B




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Mike - Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada 


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