In VHF contests you are allowed to arrange or solicit QSOs using
non-amateur means. Usually for most people this means ON4KST chat,
phone calls or text messages.
You are absolutely not allowed to confirm that the QSOs were good. You
can't even say "thanks" over the phone at the end. Ideally once you
start the contact, you say "goodbye" on the phone and hang up...
Ria, N2RJ
On Tue, 2 Apr 2019 at 07:59, K3TN via CQ-Contest
<> wrote:
> That is definitely cheating in most contests - even in the ARRL VHF contest,
> where self-spotting and using chat rooms and the like is legal, seems like
> asking for the exchange outside of the ham bands would be, if nothing else,
> frowned on...
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Ria Jairam, N2RJ
Director, Hudson Division
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radioâ„¢
CQ-Contest mailing list