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Re: [CQ-Contest] R: Re: R: 3V8SS disqualified from WW SSB and WRTC

To: Jamie WW3S <ww3s@zoominternet.net>, Kelly Taylor <ve4xt@mymts.net>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] R: Re: R: 3V8SS disqualified from WW SSB and WRTC
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 19:04:21 -0600
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I read the book. I thought it was an ok read, but really fell short in explaining the reasoning behind that decision. I suppose it was done that way to protect those involved.
Not only to make that decision to find out later that the contact 
actually existed.  What exactly did they think happened there? Did that 
team have some sort of clandestine sched with an SV5 and then told him 
to work a few other people?
They had the proof in a recording.  What more would they need. Why the 
doubt?  Who cast the doubt and for what reasons?  I was not really 
paying attention to radio at the time was there ever an apology or 
statement from the WRTC folks?
These questions and answers really should have been in the book.

On 2/21/2017 4:54 PM, Jamie WW3S wrote:
Read the book Contact.....Good read....There was an audio recording there also, 
QSO got thrown and it changed the results of last wrtc......

On Feb 21, 2017 12:20 PM, Kelly Taylor <ve4xt@mymts.net> wrote:
Mike’s right: we only have one side of the story, and we may never get, nor 
ever be entitled to get, the other side.

That said, the availability of IP spoofing is not proof of guilt, just as claiming a 
self-spot came from a different IP isn’t proof of innocence. If his friends 
verify his claim, is that enough?

That an audio recording wasn’t proof enough to nullify a claim of having arranged a 
QSO is interesting, however. As is the OP’s claim every other complaint was resolved, 
except for two that resulted in no points but also resulted in the DQ.

I’m also struck by wondering how likely it is a truly guilty party would air an 
unjustified grievance, considering it is highly unlikely a contest committee would 
buckle to such pressure.

Some of the vehemence directed towards eliminating cheating reminds me of 
William Roper, from A Man for All Seasons, who would lay flat all the laws of 
the land to get at the devil.

I’m not trying to impugn the committee nor impugn nor exonerate the original 
poster. But it is all something worth thinking about going forward.

73, kelly, ve4xt

On Feb 21, 2017, at 8:33 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com> wrote:

I can't believe people cheat in radio contests.  Shame on them. Ops that are 
fantastic padding logs, power violations too many to mention, remote receivers 
across the globe, self spotting and on and on for what?

A 50 dollar wooden plaque or a piece of paper with fancy lettering on it.

Once again we have heard one side of the argument.  Does anyone know what proof 
CQ has in this case.  Maybe there is much more to this story.

In computer gaming, every time a cheater that has been caught who goes public 
to argue his case, each and every case that person was proven to be in the 
wrong.   Going public is the last hope to get a bunch of sympathy from people 
that have ZERO facts.

For the record IP spoofing is incredibly easy.  Who cares if you have a static 
address.  It means nothing and proves nothing.  The young hacker modding crowd 
have been using IP spoofing for years and years.

Please stop trying to justify bad behavior.


On 2/21/2017 8:17 AM, Alessandro Gromme wrote:
I feel bad for anyone who gets DQ'ed in a contest as well if anyone has
broken the rules and has been unmasked.
if someone did not break the rules, and is accused of having done so, has
clear and irrefutable evidence of not having done and is still qualified,
this I call it "decide in advance and deliberately to exclude someone from
the rankings."

about your sentence: "They usually have some pretty solid evidence. The
WRTC committee makes the rules for qualifying not CQ." well ... I can tell
you that in my case they have an ip that is not located in my area, which,
as belonging to a range of dynamic IP is in turn assigned to different
users on the network, which can not in any way attributable specifically to
I have a contract with the static IP Internet provider signed three years
ago, an IP that never changes, and that is only assigned to my station.
Now I ask: "who have secure and unassailable proof of something?"

This is their strength, their luck: there are many people who can not
believe that the committee is acting improperly and therefore assumes that
they are always right, even in these cases as plugging your eyes or putting
your head under the sand like ostriches but it is not so

2017-02-21 4:43 GMT+01:00 Jeff Clarke <ku8e@bellsouth.net>:

I feel bad for anyone who gets DQ'ed in a contest. That being said I'm 100
percent sure that the CQWW contest committee doesn't take the decision to
disqualify someone li
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