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Re: [CQ-Contest] When it's over, it's over (again)

To: Kelly Taylor <ve4xt@mymts.net>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] When it's over, it's over (again)
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2016 17:52:15 -0700
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I believe the intent is to get the exchange correct during the contest period. If you blow the check or missed a number and waiting for him/her to send it again. I have no problem with that. I do that on serial numbers where I am unsure or botched it because of my own distraction, typed something stupid in the window. Why should I burden the other guy because of my screw up?
I have seen this happen in the NA QP where you can work people once per 
band and have managed to mis copy the state or you heard the name wrong 
from Rob to Ron or AL allen allan etc.
The information was gained in the contest over the air.

I have yet to read a rule that states that you must copy the information at the time of qso only. The goal is to get it right during the contest period.

On 11/10/2016 9:07 AM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
Here’s another question for the masses:

I work WQ5L and log Ray as having a (fictitious, just guessing) check of 72, and later 
hear him giving out 73, is it OK to change? If I don’t completely copy his 
information during the Q but stick by his run frequency and copy it afterwards, is 
that OK?

You heard the fix during the contest, so it’s not a post-contest scrub.

Is there anywhere in the rules that says you must get it right ONLY during the 
contiguous time of your contact with the station?

73, kelly, ve4xt

On Nov 10, 2016, at 9:39 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com> wrote:

I agree with Kelly.

I would have no problem fixing a typo like N44ogw.   Looking at other 
information like ck or section and changing that would cross my line as well.


On 11/10/2016 7:30 AM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
I generally agree with the idea of not post-massaging when it's to find errors 
not noted during the contest.

But if I'm in a spirited run, notice a typo and do a CTRL-N to leave myself a 
note, my take is such a corrective note is fine to act upon after the contest. 
My take is the note is part of the log and was recorded during the contest 

I do, however, think there's a massive gulf, ethically, between changing N44OGW to N4OGW 
and going, "Hmm, I see I logged him as in MI. I should check qth.com to make sure 
Tor's not in MS."

In the first instance, it's safe to say you got it right and merely typed it 
wrong. In the second, S is far enough away from I it's safe to say you got it 
wrong and deserve the bust.

If, in the days of paper logging, you felt fine with reviewing your log — which you had to do anyway for 
the dupesheet — to see that squiggly tilde-like scratch you wrote down looks more like an N or that 
"[" looks more like a C, or that ")" looks like a 7, is there really a problem with doing the 
same in the computer era? In both cases, are you not just clarifying what you intended to log?

If it wasn't a penmanship contest then, why is it a typing contest now?

73, kelly, ve4xt

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 9, 2016, at 20:01, Bob Kupps via CQ-Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com> 

lol we send in our contest log without looking and to LOTW after the entry 
period ends. That's when I learned that I had forgotten to press 'enter' or 
something before moving to another band to work ZD8W and it got logged as a 
crossband QSO. And there will be other mistakes, especially with new ops, but 
accurate real-time logging is an integral part of the sport IMO too Art.73 Bob 

      From: Art Boyars <artboyars@gmail.com>
To: CQ-Contest Reflector <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2016 3:59 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] When it's over, it's over (again)

We all agree that we're not allowed to manipulate the log after the
Contest... "except for obvious typos," some say.  I've always disagreed
with that -- part of the job is to get the received info correctly into the

Just to show that I actually hold by this, I just sent in my SS CW log.  To
relive the fun of the contest, I reviewed the Cabrillo log.  (Oh, how I
miss the info-laden paper logs, with each multiplier marked and with the
scratch-out corrections as visual reminders of the details of each QSO.)

In the Cabrillo log I noticed that one QSO with a QRP station shows
received NR 3316.  Well, sometimes I bang on the keyboard too hard and I
get an accidental double character.  "Obviously," that's a typo I could
correct to NR 316.  But I didn't.  One busted QSO.

In another QSO, I noticed that I logged N44LF.  Gee, I don't remember
working any N44's, but I do remember that N4LF was all over the place.
"Obviously," another accidental double character from hitting the keyboard
too hard.  And I didn't correct this one, either.  That's a busted QSO and
a penalty for busted call sign.

So, my score will suffer a little. Every year my bad typing costs me points
(and this year I used a new keyboard with unfamiliar software -- double
trouble).  But I feel good about my attitude and my behavior.

And I hope I'll act the same if I'm ever in first place (fat chance) by a
couple of QSOs.  Quoting my son, again: "If you don't use your conscience
regularly, it won't work when you need it."

Learning that, and applying it, is one of the values of contesting.

73, Art K3KU
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