Hi Trent,
Well, to "reject" your own country radio amateurs from a possibility to work
your ...HQ station is a bit out of Ham Spirit IMHO. Same idea I have had couple
of years before when I started to think that IARU contest rules must be
modified. So I think CC must to change points per QSO system and perhaps to add
the rule, that the call must appear in minimum 1% of received logs (exclude
check logs) to count it as a valid QSO for a points credit in this contest. And
that logs must have some number (could be 5 or 10% of total received HQ logs)
of other HQ calls in it. All other calls must be noted as 0 points credit. Or
something else...
I think it is very important to know the opinion of all members of our Amateur
Society around the World, especially from countries and areas with less number
of amateurs and bigger distance to the main activity zones. We need to discuss
possible changes with a target to find out "most common" variant. I clearly
understand that the final decision is related for CC, but I also understand
that we, regular amateurs, are "the fuel for the contest engine" :) I think
nobody would like to drive without enough of fuel....
Personally me I would prefer to stay with the old HQ rules in 2010 and to
change the rules until 2011 event.
73, Remi LY8O
==> Don't stay silent - let us know your opinion!!!
----- Pradinis laiškas -----
From: vk4ti
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] IARU 2009 and 2010 and ????
> Changing points like this can be very good or very bad...
> What if your own zone and country are Zero points and NO MULTIPLIER
> allocated for own Zone...??
> Would this affect every competitor evenly ?
> From A VK perspective this would affect us on LF; as at best we make
> very few contacts and being able to work the small VK contest
> population gives us some points but is this better for the overall contest...
> I would hope respondents think in terms of the contest and not how it
> affects them..
> --- On Thu, 10/6/10, LY8O <ly8o@ot.lt> wrote:
> From: LY8O <ly8o@ot.lt>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] IARU 2009 and 2010 and ????
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Received: Thursday, 10 June, 2010, 2:17 AM
> Hello,
> After all circus with few HQ station results in the last IARU contest
> the last information about HQ category in 2010 sounds destructive and
> have no future. For me, as a LY0HQ team member, and for many other
> amateurs who preparing to participate in the HQ teams around the World
> I believe the words below sounds like a monkey business or like a
> simple disabling from CC side:
> "Effective with the 2010 IARU HF World Championship, no adjudication
> of HQ station logs will be conducted by the ARRL," wrote Patton. (NN1N)
> I can't believe this is all the CC could do... In this case I see a
> reason to exclude HQ category at all because I thing number or
> participators will decrease very noticeably - many will decide to
> participate in SO or M/S categories.
> On the other hand there is a possibility to reduce own country
> supporters weight in the final results - just to change points per QSO
> weigth. If we lets say will go to the scoring 1 point for own country,
> 2 points for a different zone in the own country, 3 points for
> different country in the same zone, 5 points for a different zone in
> the same continent and 10 points for a different continent (or
> something else) - the final picture will be different. Perhaps there
> could be and other solutions as well.
> So I think CC must to decide very clear - to exclude HQ category at
> all or let to compete HQ stations with each other because this i a
> contest but with rules changes.
> Thanks for reading.
> 73, Remi LY8O
> member of LY0HQ team
> The only real QSL manager of LY0HQ since 1996.
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