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Re: [CQ-Contest] Voice Automation Enhancements and the future

To: mclarson@rcc.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Voice Automation Enhancements and the future
From: "Alfred J. Frugoli (KE1FO)" <afrugoli@verizon.net>
Reply-to: ke1fo@arrl.net
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 17:39:01 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
You're comparing apples to oranges here. There are vast differences between CW, phone and digital mode contests. Strategy is a big one that comes to mind. 100 watts pep on CW is very different than 100 watts pep on phone, which therefore requires different strategy. RTTY contests are much slower paced than CW or Phone contests. Weather my outgoing signal is generated by a straight key, iambic paddle, computer, my voice, green keyes or a sound card matters little when you consider the different operating strategies necessary for different contests and modes.


73 de Al, KE1FO
Mike Clarson wrote:

Please--don't misunderstand. I am not trying to start a phone vs. CW thing.
Just trying to envision what is coming and where we are going. I am not
anti-progress. I don't miss recopying logs and using those paper dup sheets!

So Eric is developing full voice automation. Fascinating. It seems to be
patterned after automated CW. I could see one having the same buttons for CW
and phone. What then would be the difference between operating a phone
contest vs. a CW contest? Only the ability to copy CW. The same difference
it would be if one participated in a Spanish Language contest. Same
buttons--another language (and I only use Spanish as an example because I am
a native English speaker). Next step is voice recognition/CW recognition. If
the computer does the copying, then there would really be no difference
between a phone or CW (or for that matter, digital mode or digitized
voice)contest. Any thoughts?--Mike, WV2ZOW

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