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[CQ-Contest] K2G

Subject: [CQ-Contest] K2G
From: vr2bg@harts.org.hk (VR2BrettGraham)
Date: Thu Nov 28 08:04:48 2002
W4PA commented:

>I operated all weekend at PJ2T and saw K2G spotted repeatedly via
>packet and it never occured me while operating there that it was
>anything other than the USA (spots for KC1XX and others kept popping
>up too).  So I never bothered to chase him down.  Thanks to AH2R for
>making sure we didn't miss the Guam multiplier!  No mistaking
>that callsign, for sure.

Though nothing to do with this thread, my thanks to PJ2T for calling me
this year.

Many here will recall every year VR2BG whines about trying to work
zones 7, 8 & 9 through the JA Wall.

It's even more difficult with low power, so I've resorted to CQing more &
hanging out in the portion of the band where the oxygen masks
automatically appear.

I think I was only able to work HP1XVH S&P, otherwise everything else
called me.  Thank you all!

Anyone going anywhere interesting should remember that when you're
running JAs, you're probably being called by juicy that you will not be
able to hear unless you have the JAs standby every once in a while.

73, VR2BrettGraham

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