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[CQ-Contest] K2G

Subject: [CQ-Contest] K2G
From: w4pa@yahoo.com (Scott W4PA)
Date: Wed Nov 27 09:28:17 2002
VR2BG wrote:

>To help ensure they don't do as well as they otherwise could?

>I already had the US & zone 5 mults, so just kept tuning past K2G.

>They may have worked zone 24, but they probably didn't get a VR.

>Calls like K2G & K7K are taking these Yank geographically meaningless
>callsigns too far...

I operated all weekend at PJ2T and saw K2G spotted repeatedly via
packet and it never occured me while operating there that it was
anything other than the USA (spots for KC1XX and others kept popping
up too).  So I never bothered to chase him down.  Thanks to AH2R for
making sure we didn't miss the Guam multiplier!  No mistaking
that callsign, for sure.

Scott W4PA

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