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[CQ-Contest] Re: [ve3_contest] Are contesters self-policing?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [ve3_contest] Are contesters self-policing?
From: va3ka@rac.ca (VA3KA)
Date: Sun Nov 17 12:52:24 2002
I see that the word is getting around today. Saw some messages from W3UR posted
on the
DX cluster re: the SD0 URL and many comments as well.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I agree with Dave. This kind
of operation, if confirmed, can
only do harm to the Amateur community in general.

I will be following this thread with interest.


Dave wrote:

> One of the alleged virtues of Amateur Radio is that we are
> self-policing.  I have an actual, living, breathing moral
> dilemma to pose to contesters in the run-up to the CQ WW CW
> contest.
> I'm sure we are all pleased to know that there will be a
> multi-op on contest-rare Sable Island during the CQ WW CW
> this coming weekend.  You can learn more about CY0MM by
> visiting their web site, www.dipole.com .
> However, you may not be aware of one aspect of this
> expedition.  You can find out more at
> http://www.sugardelta.com/277sd0/index.html .
> My inclination is to consider this combination injurious to
> the reputation of this hobby with the radio regulatory
> authorities in Canada, who licensed CY0MM.
> Where, if anywhere, does self-policing fit in this
> situation?  If this is an appropriate circumstance for
> self-policing, what form should it take?
> Dave VE2ZP
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