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[CQ-Contest] FYI - Virus Address Spoofing

Subject: [CQ-Contest] FYI - Virus Address Spoofing
From: n5nj@gte.net (Bob Naumann - N5NJ)
Date: Wed Apr 24 15:17:55 2002
I have been receiving these types of notices for several weeks.

They all have a ham "theme" to them, in that many of the emails are hams.

So, someone, probably one of the contesting community, has an email virus on
their machine running rampant.

Several of us have communicated about it and we all know that it's not our

The virus that does this is called:


It uses the:


weakness of Outlook and Internet Explorer.

The w32.klez.e@mm virus, also known as the "Klez" virus, is a mass mailing
e-mail worm that copies itself to network shares and distributes itself to
all of the Address Book entries on the affected computer's Outlook Address

You can read about it here:

These things are real, and if you don't have up-to-date virus protection, it
might be your computer doing it.

I thought SPAM was bad enough, now I get all of these rejected email


----- Original Message -----
From: <mwdink@eskimo.com>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>; <cq-contest@contesting.com>;
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 10:38 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FYI - Virus Address Spoofing

> FYI - just as a trivial interest
> A lot of mail has been going around about the latest
> virus behavior and address spoofing. Got a good example
> of it in the 3830 administration hold box this morning.
> A post FROM "3830-request" TO "3830".
> 3830-request would never originate mail - it is used
> for incoming list administration requests. You would normally
> post TO "3830-request". Obviously, some one has both these
> addresses in their address book and the random combination
> finally popped up.
> So, the moral is (if there is one), watch who you
> accuse of sending viruses. :>(
> 73 and have good day
> dink, n7wa
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