Yoshi, 5U7M/JH4NMT has been really active since early '92. His duty will
end in this july and will be back to Japan. He'll shut down his station
just after the IARU test. So this weekend will be the last chance to work
him. He can operate all HF bands 160 through 10/9bands.
On the way back to Japan he'll stop at some places listed below. While
he'll be in NYC, Tommy, JA9SSY/WI3R will take care.
7/15 5U7 -> TU2 [RK023]
7/21 TU2 -> TZ6 [RK115]
7/23 TZ6 -> F [RK006]
7/25 F -> W2/NYC [AF002]
7/29 W2 -> JA1/TYO [NH009]