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Re: [Antennaware] EZNEC how to choose number of segments

To: AntennaWare <>
Subject: Re: [Antennaware] EZNEC how to choose number of segments
From: David Gould <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 14:38:54 +0100
List-post: <>
Hi Guy,

Thanks for quick reply,

If I just start with the 20m vertical.  It is 38mm tubing with the base 10m off the ground, the source is in the first (bottom) segment.  Then there are two tuned 1/4 wave 2mm wire radials for 20m connected to the bottom of the vertical and drooping down at 45degrees.

Is the ground type that important when it is so far off the ground?  For reference it is real/MININEC medium - would an alternative be better?

Does that give you what you need?


Dave G3UEG

On 12/07/2019 14:16, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
Hi Dave,

What are you using for the vertical's counterpoise? What are you using for the the ground type? Where is your source placed?

These are essential to answer your question.

73, Guy

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 8:02 AM David Gould < <>> wrote:

    Most of my modelling has been with wire antennas but now I am
    some verticals with elements having diameters of between 38mm and
    for 20m and 40m (and using drooping elevated radials made of wire)

    I usually use around 9 or 11 segments for a 1/4 wave element. I
    that when I changed the number of segments the results for things
    feed impedance changed quite dramatically.

    Are there some guidelines for the number of segments for a 1/4 wave
    straight wire element?

    How is the choice of segment length affected by the diameter of the
    element tubing?  Is there a limit on the ratio of segment length to
    segment diameter?


    Dave G3UEG

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