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Re: [Amps] 10 kw CCS on 6M. Part-3

Subject: Re: [Amps] 10 kw CCS on 6M. Part-3
From: Donald Fox via Amps <>
Reply-to: Donald Fox <>
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2022 01:41:40 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>
As we like to say on the car forums I frequent, I'll be "that guy."
I think the project is great, and I'm glad it's being shared here. Last time I 
looked, this IS an amplifier reflector, correct?

This hoity, toity nonsense of hams sticking their nose up in the air when 
someone asks a question, or heaven forbid, shares something like this project, 
is getting really old. Reminds me of Eeyore on Winnie the Pooh. Just like the 
car forums I frequent, I listen a lot, and add to the conversation when I feel 
I can lend help.
It's been my understanding for the 41+ years I have enjoyed this hobby, that 
part of ham radio, is the encouragement to design, and/or build some of your 
equipment. Seems to me like that is what this fellow is doing. 
Nobody knows everything, although there are some here who think they do. I know 
I don't, and have zero trouble putting it out there.

As mentioned already, just because you have a fast car, does not mean you drive 
it fast on a public roadway. With 25+ years of law enforcement experience here, 
I am not aware of any state, that limits how FAST one gets to the speed limit, 
as ,long as they are not dangerous or out of control doing it.

There is a video on Youtube, where a west coast 11 meter fellow designed and 
built his own 50kw amp. Indeed, putting it on the air is illegal as all get 
out, BUT if you a know anything about high power, he's no dummy. I would 
welcome someone with that level of high power experience (John K5PRO) comes to 
mind, in a heartbeat. 

It is said, that money does not guarantee brains. Neither does a ham license. 
All one has to do is dial up 7.200 or similar. Garbage like that makes ALL of 
us look bad to a potential ham.

Rant mode off!


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