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Re: [Amps] KPA1500 Efficiency vs. RF-Kit B26

To: "Bob Wilson, N6TV" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] KPA1500 Efficiency vs. RF-Kit B26
From: Adrian <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2021 14:25:02 +1000
List-post: <>
Thanks Bob, The PSU seems perhaps heavier then than the inbult SPE unit then. The SPE total weight is 24 lbs.
I would think the better IMD3 performance would be at the higher voltage 
in the SPE, at the expense of efficiency.
I imagine the KPA1500 has a temperature display, what FT8 session RF out 
power level can it sustain, without exceeding 50 deg C if you know ?


Adrian Fewster

On 12/7/21 2:11 pm, Bob Wilson, N6TV wrote:
On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 7:22 PM Adrian < <>> wrote:
    Bob, what are the TX IMD3 specs on the KPA1500 if you know please?

They are listed in the ARRL Product Review: <>
    Spurious and harmonic suppression: HF, 62 dB typical, 48 dB worst
    case (24.9 MHz); 50 MHz, 71 dB.

    Third-order intermodulation distortion (IMD): 3rd/5th/7th/9th
    order products, (dB below PEP at full output): 14 MHz,
    –30/–40/–48/–58 dB

    The KPA1500 has a transformer supply ?

It's a Switching Power Supply in a separate box.  Weighs 17 lbs.

Bob, N6TV
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