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Re: [Amps] KPA1500 Efficiency vs. RF-Kit B26

To: "Bob Wilson, N6TV" <>, Amps Reflector <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] KPA1500 Efficiency vs. RF-Kit B26
From: Adrian <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2021 12:22:32 +1000
List-post: <>
Bob, what are the TX IMD3 specs on the KPA1500 if you know please?

The SPE uses a switchmode PSU, so voltage switching is simpler to provide

A current draw higher in lower power ( current value 25 -30 amps seems to be the most efficient range),
using lower voltage. So controlling the voltage keeps the current draw 
higher in the efficient range,
is my take on it. I have the SPE 1.5KFA here as you know. The biggest 
threat to the LDMOS if temperature is managed,
is sudden changes in load impedance , short or open antenna line. 
However at low voltage the survival rate is vastly improved.
Running  a new antenna is low power profile is a good start to test the 
antenna integrity, before higher power is applied.
I have replaced one LDMOS myself, a good experience using a stove 
hotplate to sweat the old LDMOS off and on with the new.

I am also setting up a water cooled LDMOS replacement using a GPU heat exchanger ;

The KPA1500 has a transformer supply ?


Adrian Fewster

On 12/7/21 11:55 am, Bob Wilson, N6TV wrote:
On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 10:36 AM jim.thom <> wrote:

Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2021 14:50:40 -0400
From: <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] FT8 power with the KPA1500

<From an amplifier heating standpoint it probably makes very little
<difference what power level you use with an Elecraft KPA1500. See the
<Elecraft post on efficiency in the link below. I am not an amp guru but I
<believe SPE Expert amps have different PA voltages which increases their
<lower power efficiency.


<John KK9A

###  Per the link above, the KPA-1500  only makes  51.9% eff   at  1.5 kw
output.  The german B26 amp is  70% eff at 1.5 kw.
The 51.9% efficiency appears to be worst case at 1500W output.

The efficiency of the KPA1500 (Pout / Pin) varies from amplifier to
amplifier and from band to band.

The same may be true of the RF-Kit B26, but I have no way to measure one.
If someone on this list does have one, please post numbers.

I just measured the efficiency of two KPA1500s at 1500W out on the six main
contest bands, and here is the result.

*Band*       *KPA1500 A*        *KPA1500 B*
160m          52%              59%
  80m          60               60
  40m          50               54
  20m          60               62
  15m          61               51
  10m          66               67

Bob, N6TV
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