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Re: [Amps] titan 425 dimming, drop in power, hv

Subject: Re: [Amps] titan 425 dimming, drop in power, hv
From: gudguyham--- via Amps <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2018 11:35:17 -0500
List-post: <>
Where there is smoke there is fire.  You should be able to see where the “ hot 
spot” was.  The only thing I could think of is the step start resistor although 
that should be out of circuit in seconds after the amp turns on.  You should 
have a step start fuse and should be either 1.5 amp slo blow or a 4 amp fast 
blow.  Make sure you don’t have a big fuse there.  Unfortunately the Titan 425 
amps are known for shorted transformers as they get older.  I’ve replaced three 
so far for customers.  Get into the power supply and get your nose to work.

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

On Saturday, January 6, 2018, mike george via Amps <> wrote:

thanks to all who responded to my post on 12-11-17 on this amp problem. i tried 
to follow every suggestion from all who responded till i got to the filter 
lytics. was not sure so went ahead and dropped too much $$ on a re-cap kit on 
ebay. sadly the problem remains. i thought at first i caught a slight smell 
when the problem occured but dismissed it as the wood stove fumes from next 
room. this time with new caps installed i ran it a little longer and tried to 
touch up the tuning. yup, the smell was stronger and i stuck my head under the 
table to see smoke. i could not kill power, remove the cover and look for the 
source in time to see it. after voltage safty check felt for hot part but found 
none. i dont think a rf deck problem is the cause, but not real sure how to 
proceed finding this. any further ideas will be greatly appreciated. 73 mike 
Kilowatt Six 
No High Voltage. how could i know a vanity call sign could come true.....
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