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Re: [Amps] AMPTEC LA4000

Subject: Re: [Amps] AMPTEC LA4000
From: Steve Wright <>
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 06:22:19 +1300
List-post: <">>
On 03/02/17 06:00, Larry Williamson <> wrote:
Remember, I have the money to send-----It's up to them to make me feel 
comfortable with their product! I never at one time felt good about it!
What about how they feel about US buyers?  Stateside has been 
particularly hostile and derogatory about all Chinese "junk", and has 
publicly, openly, and steadfastly boycotted them at every turn, on every 
product they could muster.
Considering then, the fact that the US is 2% of their business, and the 
rudeness shown, it is indeed possible that they don't want to talk to 
you at all.

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