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Re: [Amps] keying issue resolved

Subject: Re: [Amps] keying issue resolved
From: Jim Garland <>
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2016 07:36:45 -0700
List-post: <">>
Better be careful, Brian! Most AC solid state relays use thyristors for switching and depend on the zero crossing of the AC load to switch off. In other words, if you try to use one of those relays to key a DC voltage, such as in the 30L1, it will key up the amplifier but won't turn it off when the control voltage is removed. Also, if I recall correctly, some solid state relays have minimum load requirements, which you might not reach with a big 30A power relay. Personally, I think you need a better solution than what you're intending.

Jim W8ZR

On 12/28/2016 7:17 AM, wrote:
My sincere thanks to all who responded.  After serious consideration I got
inspired to keep it simple-a 240VAC 30A solid state relay with the low side
of the 3-32VDC input pulled to ground by any of several radios will
facilitate keying the +160VDC-keyed-line 30L-1, and also the
6.3VAC-keyed-line Hunter 2000C [which some say is the amp the 30L-1 could
have and should have been], and also the Dow-Key relays on the Heath

Thanks to all who responded!

73, Brian KA9EGW

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