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Re: [Amps] The cost of amplifiers, radios

To: "Bill Turner" <>, "Amps group" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] The cost of amplifiers, radios
From: "Mark Bitterlich" <>
Reply-to: Mark Bitterlich <>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2016 16:27:18 -0500
List-post: <">>

The Henry 8K does 160, and all WARC bands. Of course it is also pretty expensive and out of production. Also very heavy, but you can remote the power supply and RF Deck from the operating position by quite a distance. And yes, it has a loud fan. Just my own personal opinion, but I believe the tube it uses (3CX3000A7) is actually one of the best on the market ..... cheap for the power it develops.
You are correct, the majority of the other models do not do 160, and use 
individually switched Pi Input "modules" that make operation on some of the 
WARC bands less than a "plug and play" operation, not to mention the tapped 
coil(s).  Still, they are pretty amazing amplifiers.  Just saw a Henry 5K 
Classic for sale for $3000.  Two 3CX1200A7's (sadly, now a pricey tube), but 
it will also put out serious power.
I really like the idea of cheaper amps with one pre-set for each band, 
(common parts, etc.) but logistically hooking them all up to one exciter 
would tend to be a PITA.
Obviously I own an 8K and enjoy it very much.  I have tuned it into a 4.5:1 
VSWR on 160, with 1500 watts out on CW to work Navassa (an 80 meter OCF, was 
all I had at the time!).  Worked perfectly.  No computer controllers 
protecting it, so if you get REALLY stupid, you let the smoke out.

------------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE ------------(may be snipped)

On Sat, 3 Dec 2016 21:38:14 -0800, you wrote:

You can get a very nice Henry floor console amp with two working  3-500z
tubes for about $1000.
I've never owned a Henry, but all the ones I have seen talked about
will not do 160 meters. Are there any models that will? And how about

73, Bill W6WRT
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