There is a receiver biasat the cost of terrible transmit performance. Whe is
the last time the ARRL called oput a manufacturer for producing a transmitter
that can't get -30dB IM3? I don't ever recal it happening.
The seminal moment for me was several years ago when I read the Yaesu FT-450
review. To be kind it was pathetic, if I recall correctly -27dB IM3 and a CW
keying wave form with a leading edge spike the size of manhattan.
Not a word from the ARRL lab about the crap numbers and key clicks. It was in
effect a 3 page advertisement for Yaesu. I personally know two people who
bought one based soley on price.
My K3 has possiblly the best receiver ever built for Ham Radio. MDS a good 10
-12dB lower than the local noise floor and great dynamic range. It just got
better with a new synthesizer design. With all that going for it the
transmitter is worse than my 40 year old Kenwood TS-520.
You are right. The people who buy radios need to speak with their wallets. If
the FCC won't refulate it and manu's won't fix it because it's the right thing
to do that's all that's left.
On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:43:44 -0400
"Roger (K8RI)" <> wrote:
It is not the lack of regulation, although that is a contributor.
The market builds and sells what the market wants. If a large enough portion of
the market wanted clean signals, we'd have clean signals! But the market wants
super receivers with the mistaken notion that a super receiver will make sense
out of the mess on the bands. They/we
hear that super crowded mess and think about receivers with sharp, steep sided
selectivity. We hear what we think is receiver overload from what we think is
lack of dynamic range.
R. Kevin Stover
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