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Re: [Amps] LED Display

Subject: Re: [Amps] LED Display
From: k7fm <>
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 20:05:00 -0700
List-post: <">>
One of my amps is an Alpha 76A. One thing I did not like about it was that one of the meters could not monitor both the grid drive and the power output. The second issue was that analog meters are very slow and you cannot rely on them to know when you have reached a peak power output, because it averages the signal.
My solution was to build an led array between the two meters, behind the 
panel.  No holes to be drilled and when the leds are not let, you cannot 
see the display.  I put the array to monitor grid current and it has 
worked perfectly.  Although I built my lled array from scratch, I see 
that Marlin Jones has a small array on sale for $4.95 that might be 
useful for watching peak drive.
The array consists of 5 leds and a log reading with a 16 db range. It 
runs on about 9-12 volts dc.  It can measure ac or dc and could be set 
across the grid meter resistor to continually monitor grid current.
There is some information on the board at       The part 
number is 31297 MI and it is a VU led array.
73,  Colin  K7FM
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