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Re: [Amps] UHF Connectors & Crimpers: WHICH/WHAT SOURCE

To: Hardy Landskov <>,
Subject: Re: [Amps] UHF Connectors & Crimpers: WHICH/WHAT SOURCE
From: Pete Raymond <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:11:00 -0500
List-post: <">>
I do not know of any such list.  I would call the manufacturer of your 
dies and ask them about the ones you have.
There must be some kind of numbers associated with them.  Good luck.
73 Pete N4KW

On 11/13/2013 9:12 PM, Hardy Landskov wrote:
Pete & Everyone,
Maybe I've missed something along the way but is there a list that calls out what die goes with what RG number? The only one I know for sure is the one for LMR-400. I now have 2 crimpers, with 8 different die sizes and only one I know for sure.
73 Hardy N7RT

----- Original Message ----- From: "Pete Raymond" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] UHF Connectors & Crimpers: WHICH/WHAT SOURCE

Someone spoke about crimpers and connectors from RF Industries. I've been on their web page and they have a very large selection of commercial grade connectors and Kits that come complete with the tool and die. They also sell the crimping tool separately for $67.56 and a die for RG8, 213, 214, and a Belden coax that I did not record in my notes which one it was, anyway that die sells for $32.29. They also sell a kit with the tool and about 6 different dies for $268.00
They have a very large selection of connectors and their UHF 
connector sells for 2.51 each.  I was also advised that if I went to 
one of their distributors the price should be a bit less than what 
they sell them for.
Hope this helps.
73 Pete N4KW

On 11/13/2013 1:21 PM, Paul Christensen wrote:
I would like that have info too. I spend WAY too much time soldering PL-259s. Also, what about stripping the cable for installing the crimp PL-259s? is there a tool for that? If so, how necessary/important is it?
Pretty important.  I use several Paladin 2 and 3 level strippers. 
Check, and then re-check the stripper model against the coax type 
and crimp connector used.
Paul, W9AC
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