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Re: [Amps] UHF Connectors & Crimpers: WHICH/WHAT SOURCE

Subject: Re: [Amps] UHF Connectors & Crimpers: WHICH/WHAT SOURCE
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 14:53:14 -0500
List-post: <">>
On 11/13/2013 12:54 PM, WK1W Ivan Shapiro wrote:
Been reading this reflector about UHFs.

Could I please get some recommendations for SOURCE of CRIMPER and its brand.

Also UHF crimp-PL259s.
I purchase connectors through thr RFC, and Davis.  I order over the 
phone and tell them what I want.  I've used the Times Wire connectors on 
the LMR-600 with no problems.
My crimpers "I think" are the RF industries, but I have three different 
makes, two of which take inserts that will crimp RG-8 through LMR400 
sizes including the center pin. I still tend to solder the pin.  The one 
for LMR-600, is single purpose.
I have 5 different strippers including the one for LMR-600 which twists 
on. All of the others for UHF and N Type just clip over the cable and 
strip the jacket, cut the shield, and cut the dielectric.  I usually cut 
about a quarter to half inch farther back than necessary.  I'd rather 
prune excess center conductor than start over...just in case.
The strippers are fast. Clip on the coax, make 3 or 4 revolutions, 
remove tool, remove jacket, braid and dielectric. You can do it almost 
as fast as reading this paragraph , with practice.
Note the blade spacing is different for UHF or N type. So I have 
strippers set up for both.
HOWEVER: they can be a real PITA to adjust and a little adjustment  goes 
a long way. OTOH the learning curve is neither steep nor long (YMMV 
greatly).  IF you nave a lot to do, or for backup, purchase an extra set 
of blades
The only coax that has given me problems with strippers and "that was 
with all the strippers" is the LMR-UF cables.  The jacket is rubber like 
and not attached to the braid. It tends to bunch up in the cutters, be 
they the twist on or clip on.  Possibly a film of silicone on the jacket 
would help. I've not tried it.
Good ones are not cheap, but if you use them much, they sure are worth 
it.  I do wish someone made the crimping bands available. Maybe they do, 
but I've not found any.

Roger (K8RI)

Will read reflector, but if someone wants to email it's below.





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