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Re: [Amps] AL-82 opinions

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] AL-82 opinions
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 17:59:02 -0500
List-post: <">>

Hi Carl,
If in fact the Power Supply is the same as other failed Power Supplies,
then you are correct.  Maybe it is the de-rating that keeps things under
control?  Any thoughts there?
Part of it might be that some hams arent very honest and run those other 
amps full bore. I wont hazard a guess what percentage of big amp owners they 

Nice to know the band switch is not just available from Ameritron, and
as I said, it was my fault for the failure...  Do you have a part number
for the band switch and a vendor I can get into my file for the amp.
** The switch is built by Electroswitch and is custom to the amp 
manufacturer needs. Maybe someone has come up with an interchange list but 
Ameritron usually has the best price and often it has a wafer that can be 
swapped to another amp.

How does it stack up compared to the Heath SB-220?
Since the SB-220 is only good for 600W (with added fan on xfmr) of heavy 
RTTY for long term reliability and Id say 1200W for the AL-82, I'll let you 
be the judge.
While I prefer to be on the conservative side I also have the original tubes 
in several of my own amps (HF to UHF) or run good used tubes. Some of the 
pricier types are 8122  (2 HF and 1 6M NCL-2000); 8873  (6M SB-230 for 
portable); 8874 ( 3 in Alpha 76PA); 8875 ( 2 in MLA 2500);  8877 (DTR-2000L 
and HB on 222); 8930 ( FAA amp on 432); 3CX400U7 (A pair of Eimac cavities 
on 903); and 3CX1000A7 (HB 2M amp).
There is also a GL-51064 in a Collins built military cavity I have on 432 
but I cant run it beyond 1000W which is serious loafing. Feedlines, 
connectors, and relays have to be upgraded.

Thanks and 73's,
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On Thu, 2013-11-07 at 10:47 -0500, Carl wrote:
Since the AL-82 uses the same PS and RF section as the AL-1200, and AL-1500 which are known to have failed for others in a RTTY contest at a full 1500W I fail to see how the AL-82 is any different. Perhaps there is a difference
between contesting and Contesting.

The AL-82 is also derated above 18 MHz.

The bandswitch is the same as used by Alpha for decades and several others;
it is a survivor when used properly.

OTOH I have had to repair quite a few big Ameritrons used in RTTY Contesting
at a claimed 1500W.


----- Original Message ----- From: "David Cole" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] AL-82 opinions

> Hi,
> Having owned an SB-220, and an AL-82, I would take the 82 any day...
> Here is why:
> Good Points:
> 1.  Solid as a rock
> 2.  Full output on all bands, RTTY contesting
> 3.  Will do 10 Meters
> 4.  Easy to tune
> 5.  So far-- good on tubes
> Bad Points:
> 1.  You should run it on 220, (Not really that bad, all decent
>    amps should be)
> 2.  The band switch is a bit light...  If you move it while
>    transmitting, you replace it.  I did not do this on a 220
>    so I don't know how the 220 would react, probably the same
>    way.
> 3.  Heavy as heck
> 4.  Noisy, but it moves a LOT of air across the tubes.
> 5.  Replacement of the band switch is a real pain in the rear...
> Overall feelings towards the amp:
> Very simple to use, easy tune up, solid as a rock.  I have used it in
> Contest RTTY, and all it does is get warm...  Runs fine...  Beyond the
> bandwidth switch issue, (which I caused), it has had zero issues for > the
> past 5 years of RTTY contesting.  It runs WAY cooler than a Heath 220
> does in an RTTY contest.  Better air flow, the 82 used a pair of
> chimneys, while the 220 I had did not have any.
> I would buy it again over a Heath  any time, any day....
> -- > Thanks and 73's,
> For equipment, and software setups and reviews see:
> for MixW support see;
> for Dopplergram information see:
> for MM-SSTV see:
> On Wed, 2013-11-06 at 16:11 -0500, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
>> I'm pondering purchase of a (probably used) AL-82. My current >> amplifier
>> is an SB-220, which I use like an active antenna tuner, and which
>> delivers 950-1300 watts 10-80 meters.. Where my K3 will fold back at
>> just over 2:1 SWR, the SB-220 cheerfully drives an 80M array tuned for
>> the CW end, up into 3800-3900.  Even though the reported SWR is over
>> 3:1, so long as the loading control can find an output peak, I just >> go.
>> My principal reason for going to the AL-82 would be to get 160M, but I
>> don't want to do it if I would be trading my SB-220 for a touchy
>> monster.  A couple of questions:
>> Is the power supply adequate for 1500W CW in contest service?
>> Is the output circuit reasonably forgiving, compared to my SB-220?
>> Any other significant concerns, aside from the brute weight?
>> 73, Pete N4ZR
>> Check out the Reverse Beacon Network
>> at,
>> blog at
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>> ARC V6 or VE7CC DX cluster node.
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