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Re: [Amps] where to begin

To: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] where to begin
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 17:38:23 -0500
List-post: <">>
"Traps" ?

More like full blown gotchas complete with voodoo drums.


On 11/7/2013 4:34 PM, Alek Petkovic wrote:
> As is

Only if one is already technically competent to know the difference
between sound engineering principles and snake oil.  That web site
is full of traps for the beginning amplifier builder.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 11/7/2013 4:34 PM, Alek Petkovic wrote:
As is

73, Alek

On 8/11/2013 12:50 AM, Ulf (SM0NOR) wrote:
The ARRL 2013 is a very good source. Even better is William Orr's The
Radio Handbook. The design chapters are very thorough and easy to
understand. If you get either of the later editions, e.g. 18-23, the
construction chapter is fairly relevant. You can easily find these on
eBay or Amazon at a fair price. The 15th edition is available for free
as a PDF on Internet. Just google it. The construction chapter is
outdated, but the chapters about vacuum tube principles are really good.
A very good source are Ian's, G3SEK's construction manuals to the
triode and tetrode board.
If your club have older editions of Ham Radio Magazine and QST, read
everything about tubes from 1955 an onwards.
Other than that, thee are a lot of DIY projects on internet, just be
careful. Many are good, but many are also lethal in their HV design.
Don't skip the safety chapters! Ian, G3SEK also have an excellent
article on that subject previously featured in Radcom. I think you can
download them from his site.
Like you, I was a beginner 3-4 years ago. Since then I have read and
reread everything above several times. I still know only a fraction of
what other guys in this forum knows, but I'm able to build a decent
amp with good security (I'm crazy about safety). You can too!
And again SAFTEY is paramount - never compromise on it! One of the
first things I took ad notam was G3SEK's words "if you think you need
to do anything inside an amp with the HV on, think again. There is
always another way". So far I have never, ever tested an amp with the
cabinet open.  (Only once have I broken that promise. For a photo shot
of glowing tubes I operated it with remote control from a safe distance).
Good luck!

Sent from a wireless device of an unrevealed brand.

On 7 nov 2013, at 14:18, Gustavo LU6AGV<>  wrote:

thanks to all about your replies.

I'll pickup 2013 handbook at a nice discount price.

and I believe that in the club there are a couple of old ones to learn
a little more.

I'll return latter :)


On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Roger
(K8RI)<>  wrote:
On 11/6/2013 8:17 PM, Bill Turner wrote:

ORIGINAL MESSAGE:          (may be snipped)

On Wed, 6 Nov 2013 21:31:26 -0200, you wrote:

so, do you have any point, link, etc where I can learn about *Design
with valves* ???

The ARRL Handbook is a good place to start. Nearly everything you
need is
there and when you run across something that's not clear, just ask a
question here. Recent editions are usually available on eBay or
Don't get one more than about three years old.
If you also get it on disk, it turns searching for a particular topic,
reference, quote, or author from minutes or hours into a few seconds.

Although some of the older ones may have tubes/valves covered in more

The theory is good, but many of the circuit designs may have a flaw
or two.

Newer books will have newer material although some of the out dated
gets dropped. OTOH they have had a 4CX1600B amp in there for quite a
years. It's a nice amp but the tube was dropped from production
years ago.

They seem to change very little from year to year, but new stuff
does get
added so, normally the latest is best and they have been on DVD for
quite a
few years. You can install the book, or just copy the files and use
a link
to the beginning to start it or click on setup application.

There is an extensive section on Vacuum Tube Basics with the rest of
chapter evolving into amplifier design.

73 and good luck,

Roger (K8RI)

Good luck and have fun!

73, Bill W6WRT
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