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Re: [Amps] S/S Amp's

Subject: Re: [Amps] S/S Amp's
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 20:14:54 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 9/12/2013 4:14 PM, Fuqua, Bill L wrote:
   Most hams today can't tune SSB clearly.
There are many valid reasons for that.  We tune to make the audio sound 
normal.  For me, if a station adjusts their audio to add 200 Hz on the 
low side, I will tune almost exactly 200 Hz high.  Two times recently 
the other station kept telling me I was 200 Hz high. I asked him to 
remove the 200 Hz he'd added to the lows and I was right on frequency.
He randomly turned the 200 Hz on and off and every time I shifted 
frequency.  So the problem is as much stations transmitting a non 
typical audio.
I had the same situation with one other.

We have all sorts of permitted modulation. If they want to run AM for a bit of nostalgia, I have no problem with that. I don't operate AM, but I don't demand they stop.
So they're a bit wider, but seldom wider than an over driven amp with 
poor IM.


Roger (K8RI)

AM always sounds right. Perhaps we should have SSB reduced carrier rather than
suppressed carrier. Another point, DSB occupies same bandwidth as AM.
   You could receive DSB or AM by detecting, using bfo and SSB filter,  only 
one sideband but with the loss
of 3dB signal to noise ratio compared to receiving it with synchronous detector.
Bill wa4lav

From: Amps [] on behalf of Joe Subich, W4TV 
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] S/S Amp's

For the same reason they spam other bands with ESSB, IM products,
keyclicks, splatter and/or full carrier AM - because they can and
the rules against stupidity, and bad operating practices either do
not exist or are not enforced.


     ... Joe, W4TV

On 9/12/2013 12:14 PM, wrote:
Why are Hams still rf-spamming 160 & 80m with AM carriers
when a DSB suppressed-carrier signal is just as good, uses
less power, and may be sync-detected to remove flutter, etc?

I know, I know, ... never mind ... sigh.

Jim said;

"It sure would be nice to just rectify the 120vac from the wall plug,
or without any isolation xfmr"

It's already in production.

Not quite what you're after but... <>

David G4ZOW

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