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Re: [Amps] GS-35B Efficiency Varies with frequency?

To: "Jim Thomson" <>,<>
Subject: Re: [Amps] GS-35B Efficiency Varies with frequency?
From: Paul Baldock <>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2012 11:04:19 -0800
List-post: <">>
At 12:02 AM 12/25/2012, Jim Thomson wrote:
The input impedance of a single GS35B is much lower then that of pair of 3-500Z 73 Peter, DJ7WW ## agreed. A pair of 3-500z is aprx 60-65 ohms..and I think the GS35B is like aprx 25-37 ohms.
My GS-35B (sample of one) is 68Ohms

- Paul

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