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Re: [Amps] Any experiences with "powergridtube"? (YC156 hunt)

Subject: Re: [Amps] Any experiences with "powergridtube"? (YC156 hunt)
From: Ian White GM3SEK <>
Reply-to: Ian White GM3SEK <>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 08:52:18 +0100
List-post: <">>
Jim Thomson wrote:
>##  reid @ Eimac tells me that although it's stated the tube has a 6 
>min warm up, to allow a full 8 mins of warm up.   The B+  can be 
>applied simultaneously  with fil
>V.   The tube is cut off on RX anyway.   You just can't draw idle 
>current or apply drive for 8 mins.   Easiest  method is to inhibit the 
>key line for 8 mins..or use a stop watch !

There's one YC156 heater transformer that has its own IP address, so it 
can be activated 8 minutes before the owner arrives home.


73 from Ian GM3SEK
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