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Re: [Amps] Pulse tuning

To: "W2XJ" <W2XJ@W2XJ.NET>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Pulse tuning
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 02:02:23 -0700
List-post: <">>
From: "W2XJ" <W2XJ@W2XJ.NET>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 12:38 AM
To: "Jim Thomson" <>; <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Pulse tuning

> This discussion pertains only to poorly designed AMPS. There should be no
> voltage sag and the amps should be ccs at 1.5 kw out (in the US). If 
> digital
> modes are contemplated, 5 to 10 KW amps in class A mode are necessary.

### 1.5 kw out requires at least a 3.5 kva CCS xfmr.  Ten Tec claims their 
centurion, with the
2 x 3-500Z's  has a 3.5 kva CCS  xfmr, then further blathers on abt  '7 kw 
IVS'   which is a throw back to
orr's books.  [ Int Voice Service].   Fact is the centurion is capable of 
1300w pep out and that's it.   It doesn't
have anything anywhere near close to 3.5 kva.  It's well under 1 kva.   A 
buddy tried a brand new 46 lb mag cap
xfmr on a 1 x gs35b, 6m amp... fed with 12 ga wire.  B+ sags 800V. 
Switched to a  2 x gs35b 6m amp [diff amp]
+253 lb dahl xfmr, and 2 ga wire, and B+ sags 50 vdc.  [4.4 kw cxr, 50.125 

##   Why do digital modes require class A ?  Bill tells us the amp does not 
have to be linear for RTTY,
and that class C is just fine.  That assumes you are using FSK, and not 
AFSK.  I have zero experience
with digital modes.

## somebody mentioned abt anode diss.  You won't get  1 kw of ccs anode diss 
from any sb-220, or
drake L4B any time soon.  Neither blow enough air to do the job.  If you 
expect 1.5 kw  CCS anode diss  from
a 8877, you better have enough air flow. The L4B, stock, with zero bias, 
idles at 600W.  Key the amp, with no drive
applied, and let it sit for 5 mins.  You will burn your hands on the top 
lid.  It doesn't help that the top lid restricts the air

## Re duty cycle on SSB.  If you are referring to the plate current, a lot 
of that depends on how much idle current you draw.
That alone, will skew the average a bit.  I tune for 800 ma cxr.  On SSB, 
average plate current is aprx  275-375ma. [1235 pep out]
Using both a bird and a  Coaxial dynamics meter, [in average mode], on ssb, 
it averages out to 250 w out.  Average Po is
only 1/5 the pep out,  on the power out end of things.  On the dc plate 
current end of things, average is  34-46%.

Jim   VE7RF

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