On Mon, 30 Aug 2010 07:20:07 -0700, Patrick Barthelow
<apolloeme@live.com> wrote:
>I look back to the good old days, when I used to complain as a kid, I paid
>$2.50 or so, retail for a 12AX7, after checking it in the tube tester at the
>Longs Drug Store. Cosidering what went into making that precison aligned;
>Two Plates, two grids, two filaments, or cathodes, all those exotic, pure,
>and dissiilar metals, spot welds, 8-10 thru-glass pins, vacuum sealed,
>getterized, and a couple or three businesses; manufacturer to retail, that
>made a profit on that $2.50 retail tube. I am amazed.
My feelings exactly and that's what prompted me to ask the question in
the first place. To me, a 12AX7 would be much harder to build than an
As others have pointed out, volume has a lot to do with it, but
73, Bill W6WRT
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