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Re: [Amps] Why do tubes cost so much?

Subject: Re: [Amps] Why do tubes cost so much?
From: Roger <>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2010 23:13:48 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 8/29/2010 8:03 PM, Bill, W6WRT wrote:
> I have often wondered why big tubes cost so much. The material in them
> isn't all that great and I would think because they are larger they
> would be easier to assemble than, say, a 6AU6 which is very small and
> intricate but sells for only a few bucks.
> I'm not talking about really massive tubes that take a fork lift to
> move, but tubes on the order of an 8877 or the like.
> Anyone know?
Not for sure, but they are low volume, labor intensive,  and produced in 
batch runs.  More than likely the set up costs are substantial. Even the 
larger tubes like the YC156, 3CX3000 4CX3000, 3CX5000, and 4CX5000 are 
pretty pricey, but they can be rebuilt while it is no economically 
feasible to rebuild the smaller tubes


Roger (K8RI)
> 73, Bill W6WRT
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