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Re: [Amps] 813's.. Parasitic suppressor's

To: "Jim Thomson" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 813's.. Parasitic suppressor's
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 09:58:26 -0400
List-post: <">>
> Somebody asked a while back  abt the need for parasitic suppressors'  on a 
> GG- 813 amp.  A buddy
> had one blow up on his  2 x 813 amp last yr.. across  town.  he tossed 
> both the blown one.. and also
> the remaining one.  Amp runs just fine with NO suppressors.   Another 
> fellow  runs a 4 x 813  amp,
> again with no suppressors.   The tubes all balance out too..equal glow. 
> I'd try it with it with no suppressors
> 1st.... then if you do have stability problems.. then add them.
> If the screen and control grids are well grnded [via strap] to chassis... 
> you won't have stability problems.
> I have had  813's  with as high as 3 kv on em, no load... yrs ago, with no 
> stability problems,  but that amp
> did have suppressors in it   [2 x 813's in GG]  [80-10m].   That was back 
> in 1975.   It's  a pretty stable tube.
> Later... Jim   VE7RF

Hmmm.....If it didnt have stability problems but it had suppressors how can 
you claim it didnt need them??

If most any amp never gets off the low bands it likely can get away without 
suppressors. OTOH if it still works on 10/15M then its more luck than 
anything. It is also possible that a parasitic is present, just not strong 
enough to really take off. A SA will reveal that.

As I said last week, dont be so cheap and spend the  few bucks for resistors 
and wire.


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